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163 Scarborough Beach Rd, Mount Hawthorn, WA

0404 902 694

Moon Surf Bar (60g)

GH Produce Store

GH Produce is a range of paleo and gluten free products designed by Chef Glen Hagger to provide suitable options in grocery stores and cafes for people like myself with food allergies, or those just looking for a healthier and more ethical option when dining out. GH Produce supports local businesses, growers and where ever possible uses organic products.

Moon Surf Bar (60g)

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Web Optimised - Products - GH Produce - DZuks - November 2024 - 13.png

Moon Surf Bar (60g)


Salted peanut butter, macadamia + vanilla 

Waves still pumping but run out of energy? The Moon Surf Bar is a tasty snack for long surf sessions in remote locations. Packed with protein, healthy fats, and slow-release energy, it'll keep you charging for hours. Filled with wholesome flavours of salted peanuts, vanilla and sweet creamy macadamias, this energy bar is wrapped in waterproof packaging so you can tuck it in your wetsuit and refuel between sets.


Date paste, peanut butter, rice malt, macadamia, desiccated coconut, lupin protein, activated buckwheat, sea salt, vanilla

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