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Banana Pancakes


Chef Glen Hagger has designed a range of Paleo, Vegan and Gluten Free recipes using the GH Produce range of paleo granola, paleo bread mix and vegan chocolate cake cupcakes.

Banana Pancakes

Glen Hagger

A sweeter version of breakfast with pancakes are the perfect way to start off a lazy Sunday. 



  1. In a medium bowl add the flax meal and nut butter. Stir well

  2. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix until well combined. Set aside for 10 minutes.

  3. Meanwhile place a large non-stick fry pan on a medium heat with a little organic extra virgin coconut oil.

  4. When the pan is hot use a ladle to pour mixture into desired sized pancakes, cook for 2 to 3 minutes each side.

  5. Once you have cooked them all serve with fresh fruit, coconut ice cream, GH Granola, Honest Pantry Hazelnut butter and pure maple! Yumm!!

Gatherer Hunter Granola (300g)