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Paleo bircher muesli


Chef Glen Hagger has designed a range of Paleo, Vegan and Gluten Free recipes using the GH Produce range of paleo granola, paleo bread mix and vegan chocolate cake cupcakes.

Paleo bircher muesli

Glen Hagger

When it is super hot in Summer, it can be hard to decide what to eat for breakfast that is both nutritious yet cooling in the body. Chef GH has created a delicious Paleo Bircher Muesli that you can prepare ahead of time, grab from the fridge with a spoon and head straight to work in the morning. The Primal Porridge mix high quality nutrient-dense ingredients including organic buckwheat, organic banana flour, almond meal and sunflower seeds topped with coconut yogurt and fruit will leave you feeling satiated and healthily full for hours.


  • 2/3 cup GH Primal Porridge mix

  • 1/3 cup organic shredded coconut

  • 1/3 organic dried blueberries or sultanas

  • Handful flaked almonds

  • 2/3 cup coconut water or coconut/almond milk

  • 1 ½ cup coconut yoghurt

  • Season fruit

  • Local honey 

  • Your fav GH granola


  1. Soak the porridge mix, shredded coconut, dried fruit, almonds in coconut water or nut milk in a container overnight.

  2. In the morning mix in coconut yoghurt and a drizzle of honey.

  3. Top with seasonal fruit and your favorite GH granola.

  4. Store in the fridge for up to 3 days
    My favorite chilled breakfast for this summer give it a try!!


Gatherer Hunter Granola (300g)